Questions about Spiritual Work—61

504Question: You said that the attainment of true reality is the attainment of spirituality. Is there a concept of an imaginary spiritual reality?

Answer: If it is imaginary, then it is not real.

Question: When we read about the righteous in the lessons, feel the state they were in, and thank them that such information comes through them, can we say that we are at some degree of spiritual attainment?

Answer: No. That is not yet a degree, but this is a preparatory state.

Question: I see my flaws in my friends. Does it mean that by praying for them I ask the Creator to correct me?

Answer: Yes, because you cannot ask for yourself since you are an egoist, but you can ask for your friends.

Question: At each degree, the main thing is faith above reason, which elevates us. But we must also desire the revelation of the Creator. Do these two desires—to reveal the Creator and go by faith above reason—not cancel each other?

Answer: No, they do not cancel each other. You will see how much faith above reason opens your eyes.

Question: By gaining experience from mistakes that do not lead to connection and bestowal, we develop some skill of how to avoid mistakes. Can this be called preliminary attainment, or is this some kind of psychological level of correction?

Answer: No, you should just rely on integrating with the group, and then, together with the group, your mistakes will be minimal.

From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/8/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Spirituality Is Called That Which Will Never Be Lost”

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