Questions about Spiritual Work—110

571.04Question: How do I hold the intention to bestow when there is no way to determine where exactly I am, whether for the sake of receiving or in bestowal?

Answer: Connect with your friends, decide what to do, and you will not go wrong. An indicator of bestowal is your thoughts about how to raise others.

Question: To attract the light of faith into the ten, one must see everyone else as corrected except oneself. That feels like a trembling in the heart, right?

Answer: No, this is wrong. It is not a necessary condition. To come together in one unified heart, in one unified desire, and attract the upper light that will connect you correctly, you do not need to be corrected; you just need to desire that state.

It all depends on your collective desire that embraces and envelops all of you.

Question: It is said that to land on a table you need to jump higher than the table. In that context of moving from for the sake of receiving to for the sake of bestowal, what does higher mean, and what do we need to achieve?

Answer: To give everything to rise above your egoism.

Question: What should I do when there is a clear realization that I do not have complete faith and no strength to take action toward unity or prayer?

Answer: Try to get closer to your friends, and with them, you will be able to participate in the correction.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/6/24, Writings of Rabash Letter No. 66

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