The War on Pride

538Comment: You said that pride is the best quality of a person.

My Response: Of course! After all, it is specially created so that a person can see how different he is from the Creator.

Due to the fact that he is at war with pride, he gets closer to the Creator. Every time he uses it the other way around, i.e., belittling himself, not helping his egoism, but reducing it and putting pressure on it, he thus rises above the ego.

Imagine that there is one point in a person and this is his embryo. Pride begins to grow under this point and raises it all the time. If a person can annul pride, then he rises, absorbs it into himself, and grows. If he cannot include this pride in himself, that is, to act with it exactly the opposite, to bestow, then it becomes lower and worse.

This is a very serious period in our life! It takes many years for a person to realize this. This is the most difficult period! Then it gets easier and easier.

Of course, there will also be difficult conditions in the future, but they are understandable and easily processed by the soul, heart, and mind.

In the first stages you become simply untenable and do not know where you are going, where to go, and what to do; you are knocked out of these states and you do not hear anything.

But then, no matter what the states are, you control yourself and understand why they are created in you.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Pride Is the Key to Success” 3/11/12

Related Material:
Pride Is The Best Helper
The Spiritual Root Of Pride
Learning To Overcome Pride

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