Annulment before the Teacher

165Question: When we learn to annul ourselves before the teacher, do we learn to annul our egoism and do we become included in the upper degree? What is the spiritual meaning of this effort?

Answer: It is necessary to annul yourself before the teacher in order to understand what he says, accept what he says, and connect with what he says. These are natural things.

Question: How does adhesion with the teacher and with other Kabbalists happen?

Answer: It happens through the equivalence of qualities, like one friend with another. If you can become like a friend when you understand him, he understands you, and there are no differing opinions between you, then it turns out that you and he are as if in the same place, and therefore you come closer to each other.

Question: Can we say that the teacher is the Creator for us?

Answer: In general, yes. Because you receive from him the entire view of the Creator. The connection with the Creator happens through him.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/21/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “What Is the Measure of Faith in the Rav?“

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