What Are We Correcting?

963.4Question: Where does suffering come from? What is its root? In Kabbalah, we study the light, the vessel, and the descent of light—the Creator’s desire to delight the creatures.

Answer: If you take part in the spiritual process, you take part in these pleasures. If not, the lack of pleasure drives you to participate in it. Look at yourself, the way you are spinning around in the world.

Question: Yes, I am driven by suffering. And the world? We can see where all this is leading it. Will people really understand anything based on the current events?

Answer: I do not know if they will understand or not. At the same time, the Creator gives the solution, He corrects the conditions of the problem. Then, it is even more difficult to reach a solution.

Question: We have learned that in the past, the Temples were destroyed as a consequence of breaking some degrees in the spiritual worlds. What are we correcting now?

Answer: Now we are correcting people. We must show them the way to the right state, then we will stop engaging the bad forces of nature, they will not crush or destroy us because we will act correctly. This way we will quickly come to a correction.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/20/23, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Peace in the World”

Related Material:
The Spiritual Root Of Suffering
Why Do We Feel Suffering?
What Is The Meaning Behind Suffering

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