Health Is a State of Balance with the Creator

632.3Question: What is health?

Answer: Health is the ability to quickly return to a state of balance with the Creator. The strength of a person’s balance with the Creator is called health.

In the corporeal world, everything in our body must be in balance: blood pressure, sugar, pulse, and other indicators. Usually, results of medical tests indicate the boundaries within which all parameters must balance. All this comes from the balance of the light, our desire, and the Masach (Screen) between them.

In our world, in our inanimate, vegetative, and animate nature, we are in balance with the Creator. But we are in relative balance with Him; He always keeps it within some limits.

If we somehow disturb this balance, then immediately a tsunami falls on us, or a volcano explodes, or an epidemic spreads, and so on, after which the balance is smoothed out. Thus, on the corporeal level, it is more or less supported all the time.

But on the spiritual level, we need to achieve balance ourselves. That is, we can reach the balance with the Creator only by our freewill, through our own efforts to rise above ourselves, to unite with others, to become one common whole.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What is Health?” 2/27/11

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