Join the Common Desire

282.01Question: How can a person use heightened sensitivity to achieve a more subtle sense of spiritual techniques? There are some people who are more sensitive.

Answer: It does not matter. Everyone has their own way forward.

Question: Doesn’t sensitivity make it possible for us to convey Kabbalah better?

Answer: No, we must do our best, try our best.

All our attempts, in fact, do nothing but become included in the general desire, in the general striving. Then the light penetrates this desire and spreads more, more widely throughout all of humanity. Humanity starts to understand, realize, and change; it is unknown why.

In fact, it is because through our efforts we have enabled the upper light to manifest itself more in all of us. This is, in principle, PR, this is dissemination.

Of course, distribution of materials, books, pictures, and clips is all good. But the most important thing is that by doing this, we stimulate the desire!

It is not clips themselves and at the same time those thoughts that you evoke in a person that lead him to something! No! Desires and aspirations make it possible for the light to descend and fill the emerging voids within each one and between us! And then we become wiser. That is how it works. Only the light!
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Imitating Laitman” 2/22/11

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