Audio Version Of The Blog – 5/24/23

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When Killing Others, You Kill Yourself

963.1Question: Do you think a killing gene is present in every person?

Answer: Every person has this inclination because every one of us is comprised of the full set of desires, from the best to the worst.

Question: So do we have absolutely all desires?

Answer: All of them.

Question: I heard that a serial killer said that every time he killed, he killed a part of himself? Do you think a person is constantly engaging in some sort of suicide if he kills others.

Answer: That is correct. It is natural because we are all in one common desire, in one common system.

Everything that exists is inside of me: still, vegetative, animate, and human. By killing someone or something, I kill a part of that inside of me. This is so true that a person must repent, so to speak, when he uses anything from this world for himself. He must justify this consumption, starting with a gulp of air and ending with lives, and so on.

It is the same as when we consume food or anything else. All of it requires some kind of correction.

Question: Are you saying that a person kills a part of himself if he kills someone in war or somewhere else?

Answer: Yes, that is correct.

Question: But even when killing an animal for food, am I also killing something inside of me?

Answer: Yes. Anything at all, when I consume it, including as I said before, a gulp of air, a gulp of water, it does not matter what, by that I consume, nevertheless. I kill that particle of the cosmos and I must somehow take responsibility for it. That is why there are blessings that we have to say and more things.

A person feels this even subconsciously. There are people who before drinking something, pour a little out of the cup, cut off a piece of bread, and put it aside, or do other things.

This all indicates that a person understands that he is taking from nature and taking practically without ever returning it. By that, he kills the Universe. And he wants to give, share, and so on. This exists in many nations, and it is subconsciously instilled in man.

Comment: So to exist I must kill around me.

My Response: If you do it as a necessity for your existence, to support life, then it is another matter. But you must understand it, nevertheless. That is why you have to say a blessing, so to speak, set apart a piece for someone, a tithe, and so on.

Question: And a blessing, is it when I say that I require this for my existence?

Answer: Yes. Even though it is not my fault, I was not the one who created myself this way, but I recognize this and share it in this way.

Question: Can you say why this was done? Globally speaking, for what?

Answer: A person must understand that he is in a world where he has no right to anything at all. And if he takes something and consumes it for himself, for his own sake, then he must pay for it, give it back, repay it, and so on.

Question: And the fact that we ruin everything, kill everything, and that we have brought the environment to the brink, will we be punished for that or not?

Answer: Yes, it is a great shame.

Question: Does all of it boomerang back to the person, in your opinion?

Answer: We will have to pay for all of it globally.

Comment: Rabbi Akiva said that the book is open and the hand writes, and you borrow, but later you will have to return all of it.

My Response: Indeed.

Question: Is this what we are talking about the same thing?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Is taking normally only when it is for one’s existence?

Answer: It is only for existence, and if you take it only for existence, then you will be able to bestow it.

Comment: And that is blessed.

My Response: Relatively speaking. This is very complex because nature is closed, whole, and perfect. That is why our existence in it, in nature, requires us to be very careful and to be in complete bestowal.

Question: How do we nevertheless reach harmony with nature?

Answer: Only by attaining the feeling of unity with nature and the opportunity to bestow as much as we take. Then we will regulate how much to take and how much to give.

Question: But in principle, are we constantly moving toward this, one way or another?

Answer: I hope that one day we will get there.

Question: But why were we not given an understanding and feeling of this? We take without a second thought.

Answer: But we are moving toward this. This is development, the gradual development of nature from the still level onward.

Question: So do we have to come to a state where I cannot simply take and that is all? And even more so, to kill, steal, and so on?

Answer: Of course.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 3/23/23

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Murder—Deprivation Of The Possibility For Correction
When I Kill A Human Within Myself
Evil, Hell, Love

The Thought of the Creator

610.2The thought of creation was to delight the created beings in accord with His abundant generosity. For this reason, a great desire and craving to receive His abundance was imprinted in the souls.

This is so because the will to receive is the vessel for the measure of pleasure in the abundance (Baal HaSulam, “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah”).

Question: It turns out that initially the Creator created us in such a way that we want to receive pleasure from the connection with Him, and this depends on the measure of our desire. What does it mean to receive pleasure from the connection with the Creator?

Answer: This phenomenon also exists in our lives. We do not need to go into some cosmic space or dive into spiritual levels. In accordance with his desire, a person can feel something that he wants, and he can even measure, weigh, and tell himself and others about it. Therefore, desire is a necessary condition for a person to feel something.

Since the Creator wants to delight the created beings, He created a desire to receive pleasure from Him in them. Thus, there is the Creator who radiates pleasure, and there are created beings who receive this pleasure, and they should feel that they receive it from the Creator. It all depends on us.

Nevertheless, there are conditions under which we can feel the pleasure emanating from the Creator, be filled with it, weigh it, define it, and even talk about it.
From KabTV’s “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” 5/14/23

Related Material:
The Thought Of Creating The Creation
The Essence of Creation
At The Beginning Of Creation: Line And Circle

The Privilege of Desire

527.03Question: In the “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” Baal HaSulam writes that both pleasure and desire come from the Creator. However, they must be separated since pleasures come from Atzmuto, and desires are “existence from absence.” The Creator seemingly created the creation from nothing. What does “created from nothing” mean?

Answer: In order to feel something, we need a desire. Initially there was no created being, when it appeared, there was a desire in it to feel the Creator, to come closer to Him, and to be filled with Him. This is what the wisdom of Kabbalah tells us.

Question: Can we say that all the desires of our world are pleasure from the Creator?

Answer: Yes, absolutely everything, because our world is included in Him.

The general pleasure that comes from the Creator and that all His created beings feel can be felt only to the extent of the desire that exists in the created being. To the extent that I want to feel pleasure, I can feel this fulfillment.
From KabTV’s “Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah” 5/14/23

Related Material:
The Essence of Creation
At The Beginning Of Creation: Line And Circle
State of the First Restriction

Conflict of Reasons

237Question: How do you distinguish whether you are in corporeal or in spiritual reason?

Answer: It depends on whether I am included in an upper degree, whether I annul myself before it. Or maybe I am no longer annulling myself but have climbed to this degree, I am in it, meaning I begin to absorb its reason into myself and replace my past reason with a new one.

Question: Can there be a conflict of reason?

Answer: Of course! This is a constant conflict because the next degree seems like it is opposite to the present one to you, and its logic seems absolutely illogical because you have to annul yourself, connect with others, be a giver, get out of yourself, and do some seemingly illogical things.

Naturally, your reason is against it. What is considered positive at the upper degree is negative in your reason today; it is stupid. Why on earth would you give to others? Why on earth would you love your enemies? Why on earth would you only think about others? And where are you? These are all illogical actions, thoughts, and decisions.

All this is aimed at making you gain a different attitude to reality and become limitless, infinite. And when you receive for yourself, you are constantly limited in your egoism. You are filled with something and that is it, no more, so you have to run for some other pleasure. You have tasted it a little bit, and again, like a little mouse: here a little bit, there a little bit—that is your life.

You never get satisfied and just get exhausted, dried up. It bores you, it becomes hopeless, dull, and depressive because you feel that all this is useless, and eventually you die.

And another perception of reality is based on bestowal, that is, on getting out of yourself, when you constantly get new desires that exist in other people. You attract these desires to yourself, begin to consider them your own, and fill them.

If this desire was inside you, you would feel a very small pleasure. Look at how a mother feeds her baby. If she would eat the 100 grams of porridge that she gives the baby, what would she feel? And when her baby eats those 100 grams of porridge and lies satisfied, how happy she is! How many times is her pleasure greater than the pleasure of this “piece of flesh” which is now filled!

This is a very small similarity of the pleasure, multiplied many times, which we receive when filling others if only we first achieve love for them.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What is the Reason?” 2/21/11

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A Higher Mind
Knowing The Creator’s Mind
Attaining The Mind Of The Universe

The Golden Gate Leading to Optimism

202.0Question: There is a famous bridge in San Francisco where people often committed suicide. Every week a man came there and looked down. One day a driver came up to him and said: “I see you here often. Come to your senses. Life is beautiful.” The man smiled and answered him: “I am the most life-loving person in the world. I just develop this feeling even more when I look down from the bridge and realize that life can end.”

If we have this understanding that life can end in an instant, in a fraction of a second, does it increase our optimism? What do you think?

Answer: I do not know. It depends if this affects a person. I have been to this place and have passed over this bridge more than once. It is a crazy height. The water below has a temperature of seven to nine degrees. This is the Golden Gate Bridge.

Also, there are sharks down there. So, if you are not lucky enough to freeze in a few seconds or minutes, then they will eat you.

Comment: With suicides, everything is clear. But I would like to know about optimism. The fact that in a moment he may die increases the optimism of this man. He says: “But I am alive, and life is beautiful.”

My Response: But you can think the same thing when crossing the street. You do not have to go to San Francisco to do this!

Question: But still many people jump from the bridge and commit suicide, and he just looks. How can we increase optimism? Do you have any advice for people? Especially today it would be good.

Answer: Optimism will be increased only in a good environment where there are friends and comrades. When we can support each other and understand how to practically approach the revelation of real optimism, then, of course, it is possible.

Comment: You are saying that our life should consist of creating such a circle, and then nothing is scary.

My Response: Then nothing is scary. We will exist in it.

Question: What are my obligations in this circle?

Answer: Mutual support, care, and love. That is it.

Question: Does it mean that I grow this circle? I do not just enter it to receive.

Answer: Of course.

Question: Should everyone have this attitude?

Answer: It is contagious, we can infect each other with it. If you enter such a circle, then you gradually become infected with their attitude. I think it is possible.

Question: What about the usual thoughts of a person that I give them everything, I transmit love, but there is nothing in it for me. What should we do with such thoughts? They occur very often.

Answer: Also to get to a circle that would destroy them in you. Thoughts about yourself should eventually disappear.

Question: Is this the main result?

Answer: Yes, so that you think about others, not about yourself.

Question: Is it possible to dissolve like this and think only about others?

Answer: Of course, it depends on the environment.

Comment: Usually, you give an example of a mother who lives like this, if we are talking about our corporeal world.

My Response: Well, this is a mother, and we are talking about an ordinary person.

Question: Is it possible to think about them all the time, to exist for them?

Answer: Yes. We should receive such an example and such an attitude from the environment.

Question: Then can we work with optimism?

Answer: Then you can enjoy life.

Question: I see. You said that this is how you come closer to upper optimism. What is the upper optimism?

Answer: The upper optimism is when you feel that this is the absolute law of the world and that this is the meaning of existence: to rise to its level and exist in it.

Question: When you say optimism, what is it?

Answer: Optimism is when everything is great, has its own meaning, and revolves exactly according to this law—love your neighbor as yourself.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 3/30/23

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Why Are People Turning More Pessimistic?
Why Are We Afraid Of Death?
The Secret Of Eternal Life

No Need to Worry about the Loss of Loved Ones

532Comment: A student who watches almost all our videos, writes: “Dear Michael Laitman, My beloved husband, my soulmate, passed away a month ago. I try to ease my pain with thoughts and hope that our souls are connected and that I lost the body, but not the unity we had when he lived. Has a part of my soul gone with him? How can I feel a part of his soul in me? Maybe you can answer me. It is very difficult to live without him.”

My Response: Yes, it is difficult to answer such questions, moreover, obviously to a lonely elderly woman.

I think that the main thing is that we should not blame anyone for anything. The upper force moves all parts of nature including us. We need to look at this in a completely practical, pragmatic way. Let us prepare ourselves for the state when we will know and see everything and feel our world from above.

Question: Could you tell what state she should be in? He is gone, and there is no physical body in front of her.

Answer: She must be in a state of submission. What is there, let it continue. Time will change, and fate will change, and then we will feel a new life.

Question: If you pass all this obediently?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: That is, to return to this all the time and torment yourself with it…

My Response: No, none of this is necessary. Torments are not needed.

Question: And what to submit to in this case? To fate, to the upper providence?

Answer: To both. It is the same.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 4/20/23

Related Material:
How To Survive The Loss Of A Loved One
Letting Go Of The Dead
How Should One Relate To The Death Of Loved Ones?

Formula of Interaction of Three Values

232.06Question: If everyone is controlled by the Creator, where is their freedom?

Answer: We have to disseminate the knowledge of Kabbalah, realize it on ourselves, and show an example to the whole world. And the whole world has to accept it and implement it with our help. If it does not want to, that is its business. If it wants to, it will slowly understand.

Question: But this is not the desire of creation, is it?

Answer: No one asks the creation, just as no one asked you whether you should be born or not. You are brought to the opportunity to act freely. If you want, use it; if you do not want to, then do not. Then you will be led in circles by a long way and through a lot of problems.

If you implement freedom of will through your correction, yearn for it by yourself, and do not resist with all your might, then you go forward and everything is fine. But if you resist, then you will be led by force, like all stubborn ones.

If you understand what “reward and punishment” means, then you will understand that there are two reins that will pull you back and forth. By being prodded from behind by punishment and attracted by the reward ahead, you will always go where you need to.

Comment: It turns out that in this case, the Creator is a sadist.

My Response: The Creator is the upper force. The force! What right do you have to apply any epithets to it?! Merciful, cruel, and so on.

Everything that Kabbalists write comes from what a person feels. The Creator does not feel anything. This is a force of nature, an absolute force in which there is no pity, no anger, nothing. It is the force that should bring all creation to a single end.

It has a certain program. According to this program, the will to receive and the will to bestow gradually come closer to each other according to a certain formula of equivalence between them. This formula is known: between the will to receive and the will to bestow, there must be a screen that balances both forces.

A very simple formula for the interaction of these three values forms the entire program of creation and implements it. This is the Creator, the creation, and a system of interaction between them, which brings them closer and closer at each degree.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What Is a Parallel World?” 3/1/11

Related Material:
The Opportunity to Gain Freewill
How Do We Determine Reward and Punishment?
How Can We Justify The Injustice Of Fate?

Path to Final Correction

239We, people, were created uncorrected like little children so that we would work hard to correct ourselves and through our efforts achieve a state equal to the Creator, become like Him, and understand His thought and His plan with regard to us.

This is so that we make our way to the final correction and find out why the Creator has broken us so much, why we need to correct this on our own, in what conditions we should be at every moment of time, and what to learn from it. When we finish all of this path, we will become understanding and ready for something, but we do not know for what.

We have only now received the understanding that in our world there is an opportunity to discover that we are corrupted, an opportunity to correct ourselves with the help of Kabbalah and reach the state of final correction. What will happen to us after that is unknown.

After all, the corrected perfect state of the entire creation is achieved when it becomes one single whole and as one single organism opposite to the Creator. The Creator and creation become equal partners, similar to each other; opposite in their natural qualities, and absolutely identical in their external states of love and bestowal. What happens to them next, we do not know. We cannot understand it.

This is a completely different mind and different feelings when everything merges into one single whole. This is the true state of that single force that is called the Creator.

Someday we will get there. I hope it happens quickly. Then, when we are restored to a complete connection, one single whole and one single organism, the next stage, will come.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What Is It to Be Out of the Body?” 2/21/11

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What Is Beyond the Final Correction?
Final Correction for All Descents
Final Correction

Anyone Can Be a Kabbalist

214Question: What is science in your understanding?

Answer: Science is the exploration of the world through our sensory organs and devices that expand their range of perception of reality to the extent that it is available to us.

Any science is characterized by the repeatability of experiments and receiving real results. In no case should you add any of your guesses, additions, or theories! They take place in science, but only as assumptions, not its basic truths.

I, like scientists, absolutely follow this definition of science. I have no disagreements with them on this. The only problem is that they do not understand that Kabbalah is the same science that studies reality, only the reality that is not available to everyone.

Animals cannot explore our reality. Plants cannot explore the reality of animals and our reality. We cannot explore the reality that Kabbalists discover, only after they have created an additional sensory organ in themselves and thus feel the next dimension, a deeper world, on another wave, which we cannot feel, but which everyone can feel if they develop this sensory organ in themselves.

Therefore, anyone can be a Kabbalist, that is, can receive this additional knowledge.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What Is Science?” 3/28/11

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Kabbalah, The Most Realistic Science
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