How Do We Determine Reward and Punishment?

543.02Question: There is a common saying that a person is rewarded for good deeds that he does in this world in the next world, and vice versa, that if he does wrong, then he is punished for these actions. What do you think about it?

Answer: These are all people’s conclusions, and, of course, there is some basis for this. But, in principle, it is necessary to talk about this only in the following context: If the Creator is an eternal higher power that completely controls us, then what kind of reward and punishment can we talk about?

It is only about enabling a person to rise to the level of the Creator with the help of correction. Only in this can he be rewarded or punished. But not because he makes a mistake, does not apply enough strength, or something like that, because after all, it is the Creator who created him this way.

How can you even say that something can depend on a person? After all, in any undertakings that manifest in a person, the Creator is the first.

Comment: But we are created in such a way that we do not feel an upper power, and therefore, we have freedom of choice.

My Response: Allegedly we have.

Comment: Even if “allegedly,” I feel that way. It turns out that both the punishment and the reward are determined relative to me.

My Response: Only relatively to us. And only about how we accept it. It’s as if we ourselves create such an environment, such conditions, in which we discuss: “Yes, there is allegedly freedom of choice here and we are in this freedom of will.”
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 5/31/22

Related Material:
How Can We Justify The Injustice Of Fate?
Not Punishment, But Correction
Reward And Punishment In Our Lives, Part 2

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