Audio Version Of The Blog – 5/1/23

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Women’s Connection

568.01Comment: Earlier you emphasized that only men can be engaged in connection. And now it is becoming the same for both men and women.

My Response: Yes, women are coming forward and starting to take an increasingly active part in all spheres of life.

Previously, a woman gave birth, cooked, cleaned, and served everyone and everything. And although she was treated with great respect, there was no question of any spiritual work. Even in prayer houses there was no place for them. This was introduced only 100 to 200 years ago.

And today everything is on equal footing. The world is moving toward the fact that women in all societies are becoming equal. And it is not just because we are so good but because this is the movement toward a global correction. There is no doubt that the female part is becoming more and more effective and necessary in our common work.

Therefore, I pay a lot of attention to them. These are serious desires, serious forces, and pressure on all men and the whole world.

Was it possible 200 years ago that a woman would become involved in politics? And today there are a lot of women in top positions in countries.

So, this is a global trend, because the world is growing. Egoism comes forward. A woman represents egoism, the desire to receive. Therefore, she is becoming more demanding and more independent.

There is a lot to respect women for. They are very consistent, very serious, and very meticulous. There is a certain limitation in their corrections, but this is not their limitation but the distribution of nature into two parts.

Therefore I regard women’s connection as a very big and serious matter.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Women’s Congress” 1/9/13

Related Material:
A Woman of the 21st Century, Part 3
Success Depends On The Woman
Woman – A Mystery Of Nature

Find the Teacher Within the Group

165Question: Do you draw whatever you explain to the students from the next degree?

Answer: For me, it is not the next degree. I am in it, and if necessary, I will give you a part of it.

Question: Since you are on much higher than your students, you have to descend to a degree that is slightly higher than them. How does your incorporation in the common mind happen?

Answer: I work with a higher degree. That is my teacher.

Question: So you still have the student–teacher system?

Answer: Naturally! It does not change! And the fact that his body died, what does the body have to do with it? Even before it was not the transmitter of information.

Question: But before everything was passed from mouth to mouth, from teacher to student. And in the current period it is all with the group.

Answer: It used to be with a group before too. All Kabbalists have written about this for thousands of years. There had to be a group anyway because a teacher is just a means. In fact, we have to connect to each other in one unified system.

Question: It turns out that your teacher is the next degree for you. And for each of us is it the group?

Answer: Yes, and this group connects to me.

Question: So, there are three degrees from the individual to the teacher?

Answer: No. You find me within the group. As soon as you can somehow unite, you will immediately see me there.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Higher Intelligence” 1/2/11

Related Material:
The Pioneers
Make Yourself A Teacher And A Group
Learning “From Mouth To Mouth”

Help Yourself Be Born

591Comment: When a person begins to study Kabbalah, he moves the corporeal world away from himself because it seems completely meaningless to him. But eventually, it turns out that he must unite with this world and love it.

My Response: To love the whole world?! For what reason?! There is nothing to love in it!

People in this world are not the others whom I must love as myself. I do not have to go to them and make their life better. I cannot do this! The Creator makes their life worse, but I will make it better?!

To love them means to go to them and explain a little about the possibility of rising above our world, and then it will be better for them.

I am not in the business of feeding the world when the Creator makes it starve. No! This world will suffer greatly. My task is to tell humanity how to make sure that there is no suffering, but not to destroy suffering! I just cannot do that.

I must bring into this world the method of ascent and not destroy all kinds of suffering on the corporeal level. This is not my mission!

My mission is to teach, to tell, and to help master the ascent to the upper world, then there will be no suffering. It is not to engage in all sorts of noble actions in this world. This completely contradicts the general movement of the world, the program of the Creator.

The world must feel its conformance or non-conformance with the forward movement. It must feel whether it is following the right program or not. If not, then why.

Today the world is in confusion. What to do? Let us say I have billions or anything I want. If I give the world what it lacks and please absolutely everyone, then the world will freeze in this place, and it will not need to develop.

What should I do as a Kabbalist? I should just bring the world the knowledge of why sufferings do not end and how you can rise above them and ascend to the next degree.

These sufferings are needed only to push us to the next degree! These are labor pains. We need to help ourselves be born. This is why I exist.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What to Expect from Kabbalah?” 12/22/12

Related Material:
When Light Is Activated
To Pull Everyone Along
The Mission Of A Kabbalist

The Difference Between Sex and Love

627.2Comment: You said that a strong sex drive remains in people during the entire long spiritual path.

My Response: Yes, but they treat it in a completely consumer-like way, just like food and everything else. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish between sex and love, sex and affection, and sex and caring for a friend, lover, or partner. These are completely different feelings.

The sexual need arises naturally without any object of attention. At the age of 11 to 13 hormones begin to come to play in young people, and suddenly a person begins to love someone.

What does it mean to love someone? If there were no hormones, would he look at anyone? No. There is nothing else here except hormonal dependence on the opposite sex. Why add love here as well?

For a Kabbalist, love is something completely different: affection, family, duty, and just human love.

These are completely different things. That is, ordinary people have this confusion. Even in our system, we can see how much all this is being reassessed now.

Look at what is happening in modern society: divorces, people cannot live with each other. Do they require love? They cannot sort out the relationship between themselves, between sex and love, mutual dependence, friendship, and so on. Humanity always revolves around this and does not know what to do. The Kabbalist, however, has it all in its place.

Question: But a certain period passes and sexual attraction no longer interferes. The pleasure from it is kind of slowly annulled. Or not?

Answer: No, it is not annulled. It just becomes a real, ordinary pleasure. You do not give it some kind of idealized state, but treat it like a physiologist or a doctor.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Sex”

Related Material:
Sex Is Important
The Art Of Love
The Most Exalted Pleasure In This World

New Life 199 – Passion And Intimacy

New Life 199 – Passion And Intimacy
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz

What is love and what distinguishes it from passion? Sex is a natural desire like the desires for food, family, money, or respect. Sexual desire takes on different forms according to the development of our ego and societal influences. Love, on the other hand, is an internal, emotional, and soulful connection based on mutual security and friendship. We are born with a need to be loved by our mother to begin with and eventually by a partner, by society, and even by the entire universe! We develop our unique sense of individuality when we feel loved and connected. In order to create loving relationships, we need to invest in our partners and be open. As a society, we should develop workshops so people can get in touch with their innate desire for love and start to imagine how we would feel if we attained it.
From KabTV’s “New Life 199 – Passion And Intimacy,” 6/23/13
This summary was written and edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman

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A Descent or a Bad Mood?

592.03Question: If a friend is allegedly in a descent, then we need to help him with the methods of the Kabbalistic teaching. How do we not interfere with his state that he must experience?

Answer: We should only show him a good example. And then whatever happens, happens.

Question: But how can we determine what is good and what is bad for a person when he is in a state of descent, cannot attend lessons, or, on the contrary, when he is active and always cheerful? Visually, it seems that he is in the subject, but maybe if he is in a descent this the best state for him?

Answer: There is no better state when in a descent! The descent is only in order for us to get out of it as soon as possible. There is no need to be a masochist. If you love descents, then you are just an egoist, and you like it. It is said: “The fool folds his hands and eats his own flesh.”

A descent means that you have lost the importance of the Creator, the group, the teacher, and the advancement, you do not want any of this. This is called a descent.

Comment: But people are often in a bad mood.

My Response: That is not a descent! It is just a bad mood! You must clearly understand what a descent is. If it is precisely in the descent in importance of the means to achieve the goal and of the goal itself along with the means to achieve it, then you really are in a descent. Then you need to work on it. It has nothing to do with your mood.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. To Hate the Teacher and Friends” 12/29/12

Related Material:
What Is A Descent In Spirituality?
Descents As Means Of Advancement
Separation Brings A Descent, Unity An Ascent

“Is it possible to reduce overconsumption?” (Quora)

Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman, On Quora: Is it possible to reduce overconsumption?

We can reduce overconsumption and overproduction only if we change ourselves—to start feeling why life is truly worth living.

We cannot change the world, but we can change ourselves to be content and happy with life’s essentials. We would then put an end to the planet’s destruction, the overproduction and overconsumption of so many goods that are beyond our necessities.

Each person has their own definition of their essentials, which is influenced by each person’s specific upbringing. Everyone would thus need an individualized form of learning about self-transformation.

While it might seem utopian that human society would do away with its surplus activity in order to be happy with what we each truly need, our other option is simply self-destruction—a forceful stop to the process where we stop having children and stop our production lines, stalling the planet completely.

That is the choice before humanity as we head into the future: either we learn to get by and be happy with what we truly need, or we will face self-destruction.

When we discuss self-transformation, we are not talking about changing human nature, but the change of human character, i.e. how we each apply our natures.

In simpler terms, our desire that demands “I want!” within each and every person would remain the same, and the change would unfold in the desire’s fulfillment: that we would feel as if we receive everything we need from the world, and that we need nothing else. We can feel such fulfillment when we mutually fulfill each other.

As we head into the future, we will have to figure out how to not destroy ourselves and instead bring ourselves to the realization of the need for change.

Based on the video “Can We Reduce Overconsumption and Overproduction?” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman and Semion Vinokur. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.