The Pioneers

750.03Question: How did you find the strength to learn from Rabash Peh el Peh (mouth to mouth)?

Answer: I do not think I was the luckiest or the strongest as was the case with Joshua relative to Moses or with other Kabbalists. I had very big breakdowns.

That is, you come and go along with the teacher and you suddenly break down. And you cannot do anything; there is a contradiction: “Well, how can it be? This is not how he does it! This is not how he thinks! This is not how he acts! I have to do it differently! I… I… I…”

It cannot be fixed. It was probably necessary to go that way. To what has passed, we must say: “This is how it should have happened.”

But it is necessary, of course, to try to make all this happen in an absolute internal fusion. This is called Peh el Peh—spirit to spirit.

The fact is that now we are talking about a relationship that does not exist today between a student and a teacher. First of all, I do not see that this is possible between me and any of the students.

Secondly, the global wave that is rising today is not aimed at merging with the teacher and thus receiving spiritual Peh el Peh from him but in finding spiritual things among them, in scrupulously following all the instructions of the teacher.

Then the teacher becomes not a Teacher with a capital letter, not a spiritual father, but a leader, an instructor on the way; that is, he accompanies a group of students from the side.

We are in a state where we are pioneers. So, it is hard to say how it should actually be. After me, my students will discover further inside them what is inherent in them and will see how to behave further. But still, what is happening now will speak to them and will move them.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 2/12/10

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