Help Yourself Be Born

591Comment: When a person begins to study Kabbalah, he moves the corporeal world away from himself because it seems completely meaningless to him. But eventually, it turns out that he must unite with this world and love it.

My Response: To love the whole world?! For what reason?! There is nothing to love in it!

People in this world are not the others whom I must love as myself. I do not have to go to them and make their life better. I cannot do this! The Creator makes their life worse, but I will make it better?!

To love them means to go to them and explain a little about the possibility of rising above our world, and then it will be better for them.

I am not in the business of feeding the world when the Creator makes it starve. No! This world will suffer greatly. My task is to tell humanity how to make sure that there is no suffering, but not to destroy suffering! I just cannot do that.

I must bring into this world the method of ascent and not destroy all kinds of suffering on the corporeal level. This is not my mission!

My mission is to teach, to tell, and to help master the ascent to the upper world, then there will be no suffering. It is not to engage in all sorts of noble actions in this world. This completely contradicts the general movement of the world, the program of the Creator.

The world must feel its conformance or non-conformance with the forward movement. It must feel whether it is following the right program or not. If not, then why.

Today the world is in confusion. What to do? Let us say I have billions or anything I want. If I give the world what it lacks and please absolutely everyone, then the world will freeze in this place, and it will not need to develop.

What should I do as a Kabbalist? I should just bring the world the knowledge of why sufferings do not end and how you can rise above them and ascend to the next degree.

These sufferings are needed only to push us to the next degree! These are labor pains. We need to help ourselves be born. This is why I exist.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What to Expect from Kabbalah?” 12/22/12

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