The Difference Between Sex and Love

627.2Comment: You said that a strong sex drive remains in people during the entire long spiritual path.

My Response: Yes, but they treat it in a completely consumer-like way, just like food and everything else. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish between sex and love, sex and affection, and sex and caring for a friend, lover, or partner. These are completely different feelings.

The sexual need arises naturally without any object of attention. At the age of 11 to 13 hormones begin to come to play in young people, and suddenly a person begins to love someone.

What does it mean to love someone? If there were no hormones, would he look at anyone? No. There is nothing else here except hormonal dependence on the opposite sex. Why add love here as well?

For a Kabbalist, love is something completely different: affection, family, duty, and just human love.

These are completely different things. That is, ordinary people have this confusion. Even in our system, we can see how much all this is being reassessed now.

Look at what is happening in modern society: divorces, people cannot live with each other. Do they require love? They cannot sort out the relationship between themselves, between sex and love, mutual dependence, friendship, and so on. Humanity always revolves around this and does not know what to do. The Kabbalist, however, has it all in its place.

Question: But a certain period passes and sexual attraction no longer interferes. The pleasure from it is kind of slowly annulled. Or not?

Answer: No, it is not annulled. It just becomes a real, ordinary pleasure. You do not give it some kind of idealized state, but treat it like a physiologist or a doctor.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Sex”

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