Women’s Connection

568.01Comment: Earlier you emphasized that only men can be engaged in connection. And now it is becoming the same for both men and women.

My Response: Yes, women are coming forward and starting to take an increasingly active part in all spheres of life.

Previously, a woman gave birth, cooked, cleaned, and served everyone and everything. And although she was treated with great respect, there was no question of any spiritual work. Even in prayer houses there was no place for them. This was introduced only 100 to 200 years ago.

And today everything is on equal footing. The world is moving toward the fact that women in all societies are becoming equal. And it is not just because we are so good but because this is the movement toward a global correction. There is no doubt that the female part is becoming more and more effective and necessary in our common work.

Therefore, I pay a lot of attention to them. These are serious desires, serious forces, and pressure on all men and the whole world.

Was it possible 200 years ago that a woman would become involved in politics? And today there are a lot of women in top positions in countries.

So, this is a global trend, because the world is growing. Egoism comes forward. A woman represents egoism, the desire to receive. Therefore, she is becoming more demanding and more independent.

There is a lot to respect women for. They are very consistent, very serious, and very meticulous. There is a certain limitation in their corrections, but this is not their limitation but the distribution of nature into two parts.

Therefore I regard women’s connection as a very big and serious matter.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Women’s Congress” 1/9/13

Related Material:
A Woman of the 21st Century, Part 3
Success Depends On The Woman
Woman – A Mystery Of Nature

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