Mercy for a Friend

938.02This is why he who pleads mercy for his friend, they cannot both receive the granting of the prayer at once because only he needs that thing, meaning that salvation—to feel the greatness of Kedusha [holiness] called “raising the Shechina from the dust” (RABASH, “What Is, ‘Anyone Who Mourns for Jerusalem Is Rewarded with Seeing Its Joy,’ in the Work”).

Question: What is the essence of mercy? And what do we ask for a friend?

Answer: We ask that a friend be connected with the rest in a ten in which the Creator could be fully revealed. This is what mercy is.

Question: In the same article, Rabash says that one must ask both for society and for a friend. Does it mean they are the same thing?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Without any transition? Or are they different stages?

Answer: A person loses his temper, and for him there is no difference. He simply asks that the Kli, vessel, be corrected in its external part.

Question: And how can we ask for a friend or for society if the Creator is not important at this moment?

Answer: First you must increase the importance of the Creator.

Question: But we are talking about the state when the Creator is not important, you have to ask. And how can we ask if He is not important?

Answer: Ask.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/27/23, “What Is, “Anyone Who Mourns for Jerusalem Is Rewarded with Seeing Its Joy,” in the Work?”

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