The Main Thing Is Prayer

239And the most important is the prayer. That is, one must pray to the Creator to help him go above reason, meaning that the work should be with gladness, as though he has already been rewarded with the reason of Kedusha, and what joy he would feel then (Rabash, Article No. 12 (1991), “These Candles are Sacred”).

The main thing is the appeal to the Creator. Do everything you can. Imagine our world filled with the Creator. Act as if you are inside Him. This is how you treat your friends but not everyone else.

Raise yourself to the level of faith above reason and develop it within the group.

Ask the Creator to help us rise above our state in the quality of bestowal, above what we see in our world and in ourselves within reason. This is called faith above reason. And this work should be in joy as if it had already been awarded.

Question: What is the point of prayer if you believe that the Creator is good and does good? Who am I to disagree with this and see it differently?

Answer: Why disagree? It is precisely based on the fact you assume that He is kind and does good that you can ask to be given states where you could be like Him.

Question: If I ask to see my friends as the greatest of the generation, does the Creator answer such a prayer?

Answer: Sure. Asking to see your friends as perfect is the best prayer.

Question: What does it mean to pray all day? Is it a thought, an approach, a feeling, or an action?

Answer: This is the perception of the world in which the Creator rules. If I treat this world and the Creator this way, this is prayer. I want to be in this world filled with the Creator and constantly connected to the group.
From the International Convention “Rising Above Ourselves” 1/8/22, “Going with Faith above Reason” Lesson 5

Related Material:
What Is Prayer?
Prayer—Turning To Oneself
Preparation For A Prayer

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