The Task of a Lifetime

627.1Question: How can spouses come to the feeling that they constitute a single entity?

Answer: This task is given to them for their entire lives. They must achieve such unity between themselves that appears as perfection; i.e., they should realize that they are a single whole that cannot be divided. Then, in this unity, they will reveal the Creator.

Comment: There are situations where the sense of unity seems to appear, but then it disappears. It does not come once and for all; there must be constant returns to it because a man and a woman are two opposite substances.

My Response: Yes by their nature they are opposites of each other. These are two completely different egoists who have not received the right upbringing or intention to come together.

But they somehow find each other and decide that they can be together as one entity. Internally, in their thoughts, feelings, and intentions, they must strive toward each other.
From KabTV’s “Man and Woman” 3/19/24

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