Be Responsible for Each Other

567.04Question: What should we do if my husband and I try to somehow give in to each other and change ourselves, but it still does not work?

Answer: Ask the Creator and He will help. Speak directly to Him the way you speak to me now.

Question: Can two people do this?

Answer: Of course, turn to the Creator together. This brings you very close.

Question: How can we feel that the Creator is between us? Will we fight less, or will we get along better? What is this feeling?

Answer: You must be more responsible for each other and be ready to sacrifice a lot for this. That is all.

Question: I am trying to imagine this state; how do I nullify myself to zero?

Answer: There is no need for zero. It is necessary to make an effort to maintain a good, constant connection on both sides. That is enough.

The main thing is the feeling inside. It does not need to be manifested in actions in some special way.
From KabTV’s “Man and Woman” 3/5/24

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