Correct Family Relations

506.2Rabbi Akiva taught: When husband and wife are worthy, the Shechinah abides with them; when they are not worthy, fire consumes them (Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Sotah, Folio 17a).

The Shechina is a manifestation of the Creator; it is the upper light that a husband and wife can feel between themselves. If they are worthy of this, the light manifests between them and connects them. If not, the same light manifests in a way like it consumes them.

To be worthy of the positive influence of the light means to deserve it with your correct relations and mutual help. Then the Creator manifests between the spouses. Otherwise, the same manifestation of the Creator has a negative effect on them.

Question: What are the correct relations between a husband and wife? How do you know they are right?

Answer: Actions are correct when each concedes to the other and lowers him or herself before the other. They understand they are both egoists and must work with their egos. Then, mutual understanding arises between them, and they are predestined for a peaceful family life.
From KabTV’s “Man and Woman” 3/5/24

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