He who Does Not have a Wife Has No Blessing

506.5When a person marries, He cleaves to Divinity because before he got married, Divinity does not abide over him, for Divinity cannot abide over a defective place. Therefore, he who does not have a wife has no good, as it is said: “It is not good for a man to be alone” (New Zohar, Hukat, Article “Song of the Well“).

From a spiritual point of view, an unmarried man is considered flawed. But when he takes a maiden as his wife, he gradually becomes complete and perfect and leads them in common unity to the goal of creation.

Question: Why is a man given such responsibility?

Answer: He is the head of the family. It is believed that he is being asked and must answer.

Question: It says that a man without a wife has no blessing. What is a blessing?

Answer: It is overcoming the obstacles between spouses and extinguishing the “fires” that break out between them. A man should do all this, and the woman must help him so there are no explosions.

Question: Does she have to be very smart?

Answer: Why not? Women feel in advance such situations before an explosion more than men do.

Question: In what way is a woman flawed?

Answer: She does not have the same rights as a man.

After all, a man is called the head of the family, the master. Therefore, he is entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring that the family is whole, complete, and friendly where they can create conditions for children to grow up.
From KabTV’s “Man and Woman” 3/5/24

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