The Family Obligates

627.1Question: In our world it is commonly believed that love and a home connect a man and a woman, and people rarely consider that it is the Creator who connects them. Much is talked about this union in the sources. Is there something special about it?

Answer: The sources emphasize that a man and a woman should not oppose each other in any matter. They should be together and should understand and support each other. In this, they find the meaning of their existence.

Question: Does this have to be a married couple?

Answer: Yes, because unmarried individuals do not have these obligations. Therefore, they should perform some ritual to establish a connection between themselves.

Question: In our time, many people live in common-law marriages without any rituals. Does this mean they must legalize their relationship?

Answer: No, that does not matter. However, when getting together with a woman, a man should understand that he is responsible for caring for her and the family. Marriage is the union of a man and a woman to form a family together.
From KabTV’s “Man and Woman” 3/5/24

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Family Union from a Spiritual Point of View
Man, Woman and Divinity Between Them
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