The Speed of Coming Out of Exile

749.02Question: How can the entire world group come out of exile correctly?

Answer: According to your desire, to the extent that you unite with your friends and together want to eliminate the force of evil, the Pharaoh, who always draws you back to Egypt, to your egoism, to the desire to receive, to that extent you can gradually, over some time, reach a state where the force of the Pharaoh disappears.

Question: Does staying in exile necessarily have to be a prolonged process? Can we make it fast or even instantaneous?

Answer: One cannot predict how quickly or slowly the exit from the egoistic state will be. It depends on your reaction.

Everything that happens to us is done by the Creator. You must react and work together on your response to the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/3/24, Writings of Rabash “The Meaning of Exile”

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