A Request from the Common Heart

935Question: We all have a common desire to achieve bestowal and a common opinion that we need to ask the Creator for bestowal. What are we still missing?

Answer: There is a lack of a real desire, a real aspiration, a real connection between us so that there is one desire with one aspiration. But this develops gradually.

Question: Is it possible, by means of the power of our desire, to raise a prayer so that the Creator will give us the property of bestowal?

Answer: Yes, of course. This is the only way it works: we ask, and the Creator gives; we ask and the Creator gives.

Question: If a friend in the ten suggests doing such exercises, should everyone agree?

Answer: Of course, the Kabbalist sages clearly speak about this. At the same time, our intentions are very important so that everyone delves completely into this request and is internalized as much as possible so that you all unite together and your desire is united as if coming from one heart, and so that you ask for only one thing: for your friend or for the Creator.

Question: If our friend is sick and cannot come to the lesson, can we ask for him as well?

Answer: Yes. If we really ask for a friend and pray for him, then we will add our strength, our prayers, and our requests to his request to be with us in good health. And then everything will work out.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/24/23, Writings of Rabash “The Agenda of the Assembly“

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The Request Must Start From The Group
Attune to the Request to the Creator
Reaching The Right Request

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