What The Creator Tells Us

962.3Question: When a person finds himself in a difficult situation, often hopeless, he turns to the Creator. Today, many people in our country turn to the Creator. Some have already lowered their hands in helplessness, some in anger, some in a plea, prayer, and demand, meaning, the Creator turned the nation to Him today.

Our hearing is sharpened today. What do you think we should hear? What does the Creator want to tell us?

Answer: That we should unite. This is the most important thing. If we unite, then we will defeat our internal enemy and external enemy, and in general then we will win.

Comment: You separate internal and external enemy; please explain this.

My Response: The most important thing is our egoism. We must defeat it, and then we will defeat the external enemy.

Question: So, one depends on the other?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And yet, what is the Creator telling us now?

Answer: He only tells us about connection. Nothing else! He will act in accordance with our connection.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 10/16/23

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