Devotion to the Goal

961.2Question: The Creator has let me feel that if I have the correct envy for my teacher I can use his example and hold onto connection with my ten and through it with the Creator. How can I properly help my friends envy you in order to strengthen our mutual guarantee?

Answer: I think you should only envy my consistency in aspiring to the goal.

I was about 30 years old when I began to study with Rabash and since then I have not turned in any other direction. I have gone through many various states: descents, ascents, being further and closer, but every day I have prayed to not get further from my goal in any way. This is the main thing.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/3/23, Writing of Baal HaSulam “The Arvut (Mutual Guarantee)”

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