A War against What Opposes the Creator

530 Question: What does opposing a good inclination against an evil inclination mean?

Answer: Opposing a good inclination against an evil inclination means that a person disagrees with the emergence of some good or, conversely, evil inclination in him. Therefore, he wants to juxtapose one to the other. To practically do this while working in a ten, imagine that you are in an egoistic state, slightly rising above it, and want to be in a better, altruistic state. Identify what resistance or opposition you encounter in this process. This is the work that we must do. This state is referred to as a war.

Question: So, are we at war with what opposes us?

Answer: We are at war with what opposes the Creator. If a person strives to get closer to his friends and, together with them, closer to the Creator, in this way, they can start to subdue all their negative qualities and transform them into good, positive ones. The Creator will give you strength, and from your negative qualities, you will begin to acquire corrected, good ones. Who else will do this if not the Creator?
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/15/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is, “Calamity that Comes upon the Wicked Begins with the Righteous,” in the Work?”

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