The State of Shabbat in Spiritual Work

237Question: What is Shabbat in our inner work at each degree?

Answer: The Sabbath (Shabbat) is a spiritual state when we rise above all our egoistic actions and intentions and reach a completely different level of relations with each other. Therefore, Shabbat is considered a day of rest from work, since we are no longer connected with egoism, but rise above it.

On Shabbat our spiritual work is completed by the Creator, from whom we receive the force of bestowal and love.

Question: What do we do on the Sabbath by ourselves?

Answer: We only ask the Creator to help us to be in bestowal and love. The state of Shabbat does not cancel our inner work. We must be careful not to fall from this level.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/12/23, Writings of Rabash “Letter No. 44”

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