How Can I Come to a Cry to the Creator?

528.03Question: How when I am in a ten can I come to despair and cry to the Creator?

Answer: If you are in the ten, try to be connected with it into one common whole, and you have the task ahead of you to reach the Creator, then you begin to see how impossible this task is for you and your ten. That is when you start crying to the Creator.

Question: Am I crying or should the ten cry?

Answer: You, first of all.

Question: Does it then turn out that I am disappointed in the ten?

Answer: No. You see that you are placing yourself above the ten, and you cannot agree with this.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/2/23, Writings of Rabash “What Is the Son of the Beloved and the Son of the Hated in the Work?”

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