The Path to the Creator

155Question: What is the difference between the revelation of the Creator to a person, when we see the Creator behind each friend, and the fact that we look at the holy Shechina?

Answer: The difference is that if we want to get closer to the Creator, to His qualities, the quality of bestowal, connection, and love, then we cannot think about anything else. We must put everything on the rails, except what is necessary.

Necessities include caring for children and so on. And all the most important things we have in our souls should be directed to the Creator and connected with Him.

Question: What is the difference between directing yourself to the Creator or directing yourself to the observation of the Shechina?

Answer: Directing yourself to the Creator means to be only on the path to this. But seeing the Shechina or connecting with it is already reaching complete connection with the Creator.

Question: But the connection of the souls of Israel is the Shechina. Is this what we are yearning for? When we say that we want to unite, it is as if we want to see the Shechina between us.

Answer: Yes, of course. But that is the goal. This is not yet the desire we should be in.

Question: Then what should be the desire if the ultimate goal is to connect to Shechina for the sake of the Creator. Where is the Creator?

Answer: The Creator is reached through the connection between us, when we prefer to be connected with Him and with nothing else. This is the path to the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/1/23, “Depart from Evil”

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