The Greatness of the Shechina

509Question: What is the Shechina (Divinity)?

Answer: The feeling in a person that the Creator clothes into him and fills him is called the Shechina. The Creator or Shechina are one and the same.

Question: How does the greatness of the Shechina in my eyes affect my friends and reality in general?

Answer: In a direct way. The greatness of the Shechina is the greatness of the Creator, the greatness of His force and the envelopment of the entire universe by His force. We have no other problems here, except to feel and reveal the greatness of the Creator. This is the most important thing for us.

Then we will be able to address Him correctly, not forget about Him, and understand that we depend only on Him. We need to tell all of humanity about this.

Everything in the world rests solely on revealing the greatness of the Creator. The first to receive it was a group of people that came out of Babylon. They called themselves “Yehudim” from the word “Yihud,” unity. At one time, they united with each other precisely in order to attain the Creator. They must correctly present the singularity of the Creator to the whole world.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/31/23, “Revealing the Glory of His Kingship”

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