The Taste of Dust in Spiritual Work

243.05Question: You said that the taste of dust is a state of indifference when one does not feel anything. But there is a feeling of rejection when I just want to run away. With indifference, it is still possible to do something through the mind, but with rejection, there is absolutely no strength for anything. What is the difference between these states?

Answer: The difference is very big. We must try to draw ourselves through the group to the Creator. It should all be in front of us. There is me and there is the Creator, and the group is between us. And I, embracing the group and being in it, carry myself and the group to the Creator.

Question: Egoism always wants to convince us that if we feel that this is bad, then this really is so, and it is better not to do anything. How should one act in this state?

Answer: Only through the group.

Question: If the group does not react and is inactive, do I also have to be inactive?

Answer: No, we still need to pull our friends through ourselves to the Creator. We need to show an example.

Question: How should one react correctly to the taste of dust in the work: agree, endure, or ask to renew the taste?

Answer: In different ways. I do not want to limit you in anything. The most important thing is for everyone to pull the group forward. You can consult with the group.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/1/23, “Revealing the Glory of His Kingship”

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