If You Don’t Want Fate to Play with You

627.2Question: Ariel writes:
Dear Michael Laitman,

First, about myself. I am a loser. Failures haunt my whole life no matter what I do. And I look back, I have always been like that. A gray childhood, practically without friends, married unsuccessfully, my wife left me, graduated from college, but did not work a day in my specialty.

I went to a fortune teller, and not one, they say: “It is fate.” The last one even painted a future for me such that I do not want to live. I watch you regularly, I believe you. I want to know: if there is a concept of fate, and there is, then how to change it? Is it possible or not?

Answer: Yes. But first of all it is necessary to understand how to treat it, this fate. Perhaps he just demands something that he is not supposed to.

A person must understand what he must realize in himself. He must reveal his connection with the source of life. It is not easy, but he can do it. And he is obliged. It is in his power.

Question: And if he wants to have a lot of friends as a child, to have a good job?

Answer: “If he wants to” is not taken into account at all. Absolutely! And in general, it has already passed him, as far as I understand.

Question: So, your answer to the question: “Is it possible to change fate?”, are you saying that you need to look at your life differently?

Answer: Of course.

Question: He looked at life practically like this: I want friends, I want a wife, I want, I want, I want. And you say you need to see where I came from and why?

Answer: Yes. What is given to you and why it is given. Then you will begin to dig into the purpose of your life. Why do you exist after all? And maybe you will find the answer. This is the most important thing.

Question: And when I dig into it: “What have I come for, where did I come from, and what am I?”—what do I have with these basic questions?

Answer: They will depart and will be resolved properly as they appear.

Question: So I should not pay attention to them?

Answer: Not at all.

Question: Should I pay attention to these big things?

Answer: Yes. Based on what you study, you will naturally be able to reveal the basic questions that arise in you.

Question: How can he do it? How can he suddenly change this thinking, so normal, everyday, human: I want happiness, I want fate not to play with me? How can he make a coup? Here he is, Ariel, listening to you, what should he do?

Answer: I think he should just open our website and start reading.

Question: So he needs to read more of our materials about the meaning of life? And will it work?

Answer: Maybe it will and maybe it will not. Maybe it is better to enroll in courses. There, he will be able to ask questions, he will be somehow directed. If he has such questions for a long time, then it is worth doing it.

Question: So, we can say that if he is beaten by failures by fate, then they beat him for some reason, to lead to something?

Answer: Of course. You can say that about all people.

Question: And everyone is being directed to look at their life a little from the outside?

Answer: Yes. In general, looking at your life from the outside is very useful.

Question: And what will he see when he looks at his life from the outside?

Answer: He will see the loser, and so on. And he will see how he can fix this person, that is, himself, in general.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 7/20/23

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Managing Your Fate
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