To Be Included in Common Request

936The feeling of the Creator’s greatness is a consequence of Him revealing Himself a little with respect to us. The question arises: how can one ask correctly for such a feeling for the friends? This is the result of our common work.

You can ask alone as well, but it is very hard and long work until He answers. But if you ask together with the ten, the Creator will not be able to refuse.

Question: Does the request for revelation of the Creator include any other actions, for example, our meetings?

Answer: Not meetings, but connection! As soon as you reach it, the Creator can be revealed in it.

Question: What is the difference between when we focus on asking and thinking about the revelation of the Creator, and the action when we talk about love of friends, but at the same time we wait for the Creator to be revealed? Are these different things?

Answer: They are different. It is necessary to clarify this. It is necessary to try more and more to combine all these desires, requests, and appeals so that they are arranged in such a way that you, your friends, and everyone in the world are included in this request.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/31/23, “Revealing the Glory of His Kingship”

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