Demand the Creator’s Intervention

568.01Question: I stopped being an example for my ten. It was important for me to awaken the hearts of my friends, but my selfishness has dragged me very deep inside and nothing helps. How can I get out of this state?

Answer: You must set an example for everyone about how to get out of this state. And no matter how you feel, you just need to open yourself up and connect with everyone. That is all.

Previously, the Creator gave you strength; you were a beginner. But now you have become wiser, you have all sorts of reasoning, and therefore you must appeal to the Creator.

You need a connection with your friends so that you can help each other achieve a state where you all demand intervention from the Creator.

Question: What should we ask and demand from the Creator during our common prayer?

Answer: You must ask for only one thing: to rise above your egoistic heart to the request for mutual unification. After all, each of us is just a small particle.

If we unite, then we will have the power to demand, ask, and convince the Creator so that He will raise us spiritually so we will not remain broken, separated, and worthless.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/29/23, “Preparation for Opening the Heart at the Congress”

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