Universal Allergy

600.02Question: Why are there so many allergies now? What is an allergy?

Answer: An allergy is unresponsiveness, a negative reaction to something.

What does it mean: “I’m allergic to you”? That is, I do not tolerate you, I have a negative reaction to you, I have unpleasant feelings while being in contact with you. This is an allergy. Today, it is manifested in absolutely everything. The fact is that we have poisoned everything that gets into us: air, water, and food.

After all, a person is a factory for processing what goes inside him. And all we take in are poisons, the type our body cannot process.

These are not natural poisons like eating spoiled fish, meat, fruits, or vegetables. You made such modified products yourself; you polluted the water and air yourself, which cause unnatural reactions in our body. Therefore, the body simply rebels, it does not know how to cope with it.

Allergies manifest themselves in us in almost everything. It is the basis of all disease, all our problems at the sensory, mental, and at any level, because we have been viciously poisoning ourselves for at least 100 years.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Allergy Treatment” 10/28/11

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