Combine All the Efforts of the Ten

934Question: How can I understand that I am going backward relative to the group?

Answer: You have to look at your friends, see their actions and properties, and then you will discover how far behind you are. Checking whether you are going forward or backward can be only relative to the group.

Hold on to each other. You have no other way. Try to combine all the efforts of the ten. It is impossible to teach this.

You should talk and think about the greatness of the Creator, how much He wants to attract you to Himself and to create a place for you inside Himself. In this way you will advance.

Question: What is this state when “he will not turn back to folly”?

Answer: When he realizes that everything he is doing is folly and is on the verge that both the Creator and his friends can simply stop interacting with him.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/20/23, “The Need for the Creator’s Salvation”

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