Clothe the Light of the Creator in Our Intention

544Question: If some situation occurs in the ten, what does it mean that we clothe it in reflected light in our relationships in order to reveal the Creator?

Answer: If we have the right relationship with each other and hence the right attitude toward the Creator, then we unite and turn to the Creator together in our desire to receive from Him in order to bestow to Him.

When we act this way, as a result of our work, the light of the Creator clothes in our intention toward Him, and to this extent we receive from Him.

Question: If one of our friends does not agree with some situation, how can the whole ten make a correction instead of him or help him do it?

Answer: Unite as much as you can despite the fact that you are a half or a quarter of the ten, it does not matter. Act as you need to, and everything else will come.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/26/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “After the Tzimtzum

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