Deaf Hearts

504Question: You say that if we treat each other well, we will follow a good path of development; and if not, then we will follow the path of suffering. But you still have to believe in it.

We are not taught this at school or anywhere else. And even if I believed it, then another problem arises: it is necessary to somehow realize the connection with others who perhaps do not even think about it.

Where did this knowledge come from? Who said that this is how you should behave?

Answer: All this was written thousands of years ago, much earlier than all other knowledge appeared.

Comment: And for thousands of years we have been fighting and destroying each other, and there is no connection with love, unity, and proper relationships.

My Response: That is right. But still, you see that there are people who stand up and tell everyone else: “Let’s live peacefully. Let’s work against our selfishness, which is the cause of all our suffering. Let’s be kinder to each other.” But it passes by our ears and does not penetrate into our hearts that only want to hear slander.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual states” 3/14/24

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