Mutual Desire

938.05Question: What kind of work should we do in our Kli to fulfill the desire of the Creator?

Answer: We must unite among ourselves in one desire with which we can turn to the Creator, and He will fulfill it.

In other words, by uniting, we want to affect and bestow on each other. This property fills our common desire; we turn to the Creator and ask Him for the upper light to fill us with the intention of bestowal.

Question: The Creator desires connection with us, and our job is to achieve connection with Him. How can we quickly find this first contact in each state and then develop it?

Answer: In each state, we should strive for greater unification so that the small desires of each one will unite with the others, and we will feel a greater desire with which we can already turn to the Creator, and He will fill it.

Question: How can we check that our requests to the Creator are correct?

Answer: If your thoughts coincide with those of your friends, and you jointly join in turning to the Creator, you achieve your goal.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/24/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Haman Pockets”

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