How to Stop Hating the Enemy

963.1In the News (CBS News): “A man who spent more than 38 years behind bars for a 1983 murder and two attempted murders has been released from a California prison after long-untested DNA evidence pointed to a different person… .

“The conviction of Maurice Hastings, 69, and a life sentence were vacated… .

“‘I prayed for many years that this day would come,’ Hastings said at a news conference Friday, adding: ‘I am not pointing fingers; I am not standing up here a bitter man, but I just want to enjoy my life now while I have it.'”

Question: First, respect and praise to him that he comes out of prison like this. Secondly, it is unclear how this is possible; a person’s life was practically destroyed, he was erased. He is 69 years old, and yet he has neither evil nor revenge. How can it be?

Answer: He has already been through it all. He has been in prison since he was 30. He is burned out. He understands that it is impossible to claim any compensation here for these years. Now he is 69 years old. That is, he still has, probably, 10 – 15 years to have the life he wants and to enjoy.

Question: Does a person need to spend 38 years somewhere in such a way and suffer in order to overcome himself like this and not hate another, his enemy, and not want death or some bad fate for him?

Answer: Yes, probably, in order to stop judging everyone.

Question: Can this be done in a shorter period? Today we see that this is happening all the time.

Answer: Possibly.

Question: How can you rise above the hatred that overwhelms a person and just eats you up?

Answer: Understand that this is a fate that comes from above, and in fact, maybe you did not lose anything in this, but rather won. And maybe those who jailed you, lost.

Question: In ordinary life, we experience all these feelings of hatred, we have enemies, we have wars. How can we cope with them, how can we rise above it all?

Answer: I think that it is precisely because he was in such a state that he can justify this by saying “I do not see much use from either that life or this life. I did not lose anything either way. The main thing is that I have a mind and feelings, and I can use what is in my heart to say that I do not need anything from anyone, and life has passed the way it has passed.”

Question: How can you rise above hatred for the enemy or for another without sitting in jail for 38 years?

Answer: By accepting that he is controlled, just like you. He was controlled by the upper force, just like you. In this way, each of you has fulfilled his part according to some program.

Question: Then will I be able to hug a person I could not stand?

Answer: I think that you will be able to meet him absolutely without any anger like with a complete stranger.

Question: In what case? In the case that I accept what you say?

Answer: Yes. As with a complete stranger who was carrying out a mission. That is all.

Question: What do I need to understand?

Answer: That he did not control you, but he was controlled. One should spend less time inside oneself.

Question: Do you think there is nothing we can find inside ourselves?

Answer: Nothing! Everything comes only from above into a person, and a person “plays the tune.”
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 11/3/22

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