Cause the Revelation of the Shechina

942That is, if there is Hesed in the world, the Shechina is in the world, as well, and vice versa (Rabash, Article No. 4, “Concerning Hesed [Mercy]“).

Question: When there is no mercy in the world, why is there no Shechina?

Answer: If there is no light of Hassadim in the world, then the Shechina cannot come into the world and reveal itself. It is waiting for the light of Hassadim, the property of Hesed (mercy), to appear in the created beings.

Question: Can we attract the light of Hassadim in the ten?

Answer: Yes, in the ten we can cause the revelation of the Shechina by uniting and mutually aspiring for each other—friend to friend.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/18/24, Writings of Rabash “Concerning Hesed [Mercy]”

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