Questions about Spiritual Work—85

938.03Question: Our spiritual environment includes friends representing very different cultures and traditions. How do we learn to appreciate and accept all the richness and diversity correctly?

Answer: We are absolutely not interested in these cultures and traditions. Our interest lies solely in connection to become one person with one heart. That is what we want to feel above everything else without considering anything else.

Question: Can we examine the goals of each person at our meetings?

Answer: No, we must select one common goal that is most relevant for us today and pray for it.

Question: Why did the Creator give us the right environment and, in addition, the illusion of this world? What does He want?

Answer: He wants you to identify your spiritual desires, refine them within yourself, and pray for the Creator to answer them.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/15/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Raising Oneself”

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