A Lack Becomes a Place of Faith

945Question: What does every place where there is a lack becomes a place of faith mean?

Answer: When a person lacks something and does not know how to achieve it, he turns to faith. In this case, a desire emerges inside him that develops to the level of similarity with the Creator.

Question: How is this lack formed in us? We unite in the ten, we strive for perfection, and it appears that our Kelim are growing all the time. How does this happen?

Answer: It happens under the influence of the upper light that affects us and expands our Kelim.

Question: I understand that at the time of the lesson I attract a miraculous property (Segula) that corrects me, but here I do not. How to find this indicator?

Answer: This is an internal feeling. There is no other way.

We need to rise spiritually to a level where we attract desires and the light that magnifies these desires, to the point where we can feel the entire universe within us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/13/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Rewarded—I Will Hasten It”

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