Questions about Spiritual Work—83

557Question: How do we increase our desire (Hisaron)?

Answer: You can increase Hisaron (desire) only by connecting with your friends because then they show you to what extent Hisaron (desire) can be even greater.

Question: Will we ever come to the point where the property of faith will no longer be necessary for us?

Answer: No, on the contrary, you will have a greater and greater need for faith, even at the final correction. It is a spiritual force that makes us similar to the Creator.

Question: In the corporeal world, we get old and physical strength diminishes. What will compensate for our strength in spirituality?

Answer: New strength that you will receive.

Question: How can we fulfill you?

Answer: Only by the fact that you will be connected with each other and will fulfill the Creator.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/13/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Rewarded—I Will Hasten It”

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