At the Moment of Impact

531.03Question: When something happens and you internally feel blows from the general system, could anything be changed in advance? And if you could not change it in advance, what could you add at the moment of impact?

Answer: At the moment of impact, nothing can be done. At that moment, it is only possible to be aware and hide because when a blow occurs, a negative force opens up in the system. The reverse side of it is bestowal. All that remains is to be aware of this as much as possible.

Any force consists of feeling and reason multiplied by each other. Feelings multiplied by reason equal the power of this force. If I engage my reason, then I should sense much less in my feeling. A small “ouch” is enough for my mind to turn it into a huge “ouch.”  And then I will not see massive destruction: “Got it! Enough. Thanks. No need. I am ready to improve. That’s it, I will be different.”

Nature forcefully teaches people. After all, we are just small sensory elements. Because a human is a desire, the most important thing in him is sensation. Sensations can be increased or decreased with the help of the recognition of evil.

Therefore, all of Kabbalah only gives us the opportunity to increase the recognition of evil so that we perceive a small evil as a big one, and immediately, like a smart child, react correctly and move forward.

Each time we increase our sensitivity in this way, again and again advance, and gradually reduce the correcting forces that affect us negatively.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. What to do in the Moment of a Disaster?“ 1/2/12

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