See a Completely Corrected World

276.01Question: When we talk about a friend’s flaws, do we mean his internal qualities or some external actions? For example, we made a commitment to come to the lesson on time, but my friend does not come, and of course, I see this. Should I justify this flaw?

Answer: In fact, Kabbalists say that everything that I see as wrong in others is only because it is in me. That is, I see in another person a reflection of my bad qualities.

Comment: Yes, but…

My Response: Your reaction is entirely justified, but this is generally true. A corrected person will never see bad qualities in anything or anywhere, even when facing the most disgusting and blatant egoistic properties! Because he does not resemble these properties.

Question: Let us say you and I are in the same group. Do you notice that I am absent from the morning lesson? Do you make excuses for me? Do you think it is your fault that I did not attend the lesson?

Answer: Yes, I am guilty too.

Question: Do you have any complaints against me?

Answer: No. Only regarding myself. But here we are talking about a very high level.

Question: Until we have reached this high level, how should we react when we see damage caused to the group by a friend? Does everyone have to justify?

Answer: You must correct yourself until you see the whole world corrected.

Question: If I alone see some flaw in a friend, I can still say that it is in me, but when all the friends see this flaw, this is an entirely different state. Right?

Answer: It does not matter. We must reach a state where we see the world corrected, and only the Creator manifests there. Regarding this state, we see ourselves as somehow still uncorrected. Therefore, there is no such condition that could not be justified in our world.
From KabTV’s “Practical Kabbalah” 1/16/24

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