Questions about Spiritual Work—84

963.5Question: Why is the process of our connection taking so long?

Answer: We constantly receive questions, answer them, come to prayers, and get closer and closer to the Creator. But still, it takes a lot of time because the distance between us and the Creator is great.

Question: What helped King David be at such a high level of emotions? We read his psalms every day. Feelings of this degree are simply unattainable.

Answer: That is why King David is considered the first king. All our prayers are from him. They all come from what he wrote.

Question: Do we meet with Klipot during the preparation period or only when we are on spiritual degrees?

Answer: Everything that prevents you from approaching the group and the Creator can be safely called Klipot (unclean forces).

Question: When you know the answer to your question, is it worth asking? Or should you wait until you have a question you do not have an answer to and only then ask?

Answer: If you think the question is worth for everyone to know and hear the answer, then ask.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/14/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “My Adversaries Curse Me All the Day”

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