In a Single Field

264.01We are all in a single field, like permanently connected particles. But this original connection of ours is like an electronic circuit that exists and that is it. How it will work and what program it will carry out is up to us.

When you buy a computer, you do not re-solder circuits or change any boards; they already exist. But how to load the computer, what program it will run, and what data it will calculate is up to you.

That is what we do. We do not even install a program in this system. It works on its own. It leads all parts of creation that are connected into a single organism called “Adam,” a single system, to feel this general connection.

There are two states in the application of this program, in which we must feel ourselves in a single connection.

We either walk and with every step, the system pushes us forward, i.e., it evokes in us some negative impulses that we involuntarily have to overcome because we feel pain as if we are receiving an electric shock as we yell “Ouch!” and run somewhere in the direction opposite to the shock. In this way, we create some kind of connection, but it is an unwanted awakening between us.

Or we realize that we are in a relationship with this system that is manifested now in all humanity, at all levels of our connection. We see our disagreement with the integral connection; this is called crisis.

In the end, we must agree with the way we are connected, all together, into one single system, completely interconnected in friendship and love, in which all our desires, thoughts, and properties will be directed only by the original work of the system so that we do not harm it with our egoism, but correct the ego to become a good interaction.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. Single Field“ 12/27/11

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