Between Holiness and Impurity

203Man is discerned as having three bodies:
1. The inner body, which is a clothing for the soul of Kedusha [holiness].
2. Klipat [shell of] Noga.
3. The serpent’s skin (Baal HaSulam, Shamati 247, “A Thought Is Regarded as Nourishment”).

Question: What role does Klipat Noga play in correction?

Answer: Klipat Noga is between holiness (Kedusha) and impurity (Klipot) and facilitates correction by sometimes being in Kedusha and sometimes in Klipa. With its help, we correct creation.

Question: How do the desires and thoughts of the Klipat Noga differ from the snakeskin, and do you even need to learn to discern them in yourself?

Answer: This will happen gradually, like in small children who still do not discern anything and then begin to feel more and more all kinds of nuances that exist in every desire, in every action.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/27/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Thought Is Regarded as Nourishment”

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