Connected With Other Souls

165Question: For our great teachers there were conditions to hide the secrets of the Torah and reveal the tastes of the Torah. It turns out that while studying the tastes of the Torah, we follow a well-trodden path and must reveal the secrets of the Torah through our own efforts, and then this is our path. Right?

Answer: Not really. It depends on how close you are to others who are moving with you toward the attainment of the soul. After all, we attain a common soul.

Therefore, there are a few things here that we need to figure out. By being connected with a certain number of souls, each of us can receive help based on this connection. As Baal HaSulam writes: “This is why the great ones hide many things. And except for this part, there is great benefit for souls from what they receive from innovations of the Torah of others.”

There are different cases. We are usually very happy that we have a connection through souls in order to connect with others who have attained, and therefore we can ascend and reveal much more than each attains on their own.

Question: Were the great Kabbalists forbidden to reveal the secrets of the Torah?

Answer: No, it depends. Otherwise today we would not have any Kabbalistic books at all.

Question: Were there any Kabbalists in history who fell from their degree?

Answer: No. The Kabbalist goes through such conditions when he already holds on to everything with absolute confidence, and no one will ever push him off this path.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/6/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “One’s Soul Shall Teach Him”

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